If you are looking for Tenses Exercise With Answers then we will give you very important tenses questions. Which will be important for all the exams.
The interesting thing is that this question which we are giving you has been asked and is being asked in the exam of government jobs.
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So let us start Tenses Exercise now. - Best Tenses Exercise With Answers For All Govt job Exams.
Best First Tenses Exercise With Answers
The tense we will give you tells you the mistakes ( error ) in it. We will also give the answer together. You can see the answer to match your answer.
We have given you, similarly questions are asked from tenses in all government jobs. You are given four options, out of which you have to tell which is the error.
You do this exercise like a real exam. And how did you like this Best Tenses Exercise With Answers For All Exams, do tell us in the comments.
Best Tenses Exercise With Answers For All Govt job Exams

Find out the error part of the following sentences:
Q1. It ianali had (7) worked hard (2) / she will have got the job (3) / she desired (4)/ no error (5)
she will have got the job (3)
Q2. He told me (1) that he wrote a letter (2)/ to his superior for a certain reason (4) No error (5)
that he wrote a letter (2)
Q3. I am working (1) / at my present job (2)/ since the day (3) / a son was born to my brother (4)/ No error (5)
that he wrote a letter (2)
Q4. After Ravi (7) read the magazines and news papers,(2)/ and watched T.V. Programme, (3) / he decided to go out and meet some old friends: (4)/ No error
read the magazines and news papers,(2)
Q5. His father would have been pleased (1)to get him a wrist wabch (2) / if the would have worked (3)/ harder and secured higher marks in the university examination (4) No error (5)
if the would have worked (3)
Q6. When the doctors found 1)that the player has taken (2) prohibited medicines, he reported (3) /the matter to the team manager (4) No error (5)
that the player has taken (2)
Q7. As soon as (7)the clock strike five (2) they doun tools (3) and off they go (4) / No error (5)
the clock strike five (2)
Q.8 It had been our custom (1) / form immemorial time to be (2) hospitable to those who come to our doors: (3)No error (4)
It had been our custom (1)
Q9. I asked (1) if she has looked everywhere (2) and she said, 'yes' (3) No error
if she has looked everywhere (2)
Q10. Had I realized (1) / that it was such a long way (2) I would take a taxi (3) / No error (4)
I would take a taxi (3)
Q11. As he dived form the spring board (1)he was terrified to see (2) that the water was drained form the pool the previous night (3) No error (4)
that the water was drained form the pool the previous night (3)
Q12. As I am suffering form fever since morning (1) shall no the able to attend the function (2)/ you are going to organize this evening (3) No error (4)
As I am suffering form fever since morning (1)
Q13. She wishes (1)/that she has studied literature instead of history (2)/ when she was in college (3) / No error (4)
that she has studied literature instead of history (2)
Q14. Much water (1) has flown (2) under the bridge since then- (3) No error (4)
has flown (2)
Q15. I do not wish (1)/ to rise (2) / false hopes (3)No error (5)
to rise (2) )
Q16. The stranger (1) / asked the little girl (2) what is her name: (3)/ No error (4)
what is her name: (3)
Q17. Apollo was worshipped (1) as long as (2) / the roman empire had lasted (3) / No error (4)
the roman empire had lasted (3)
Q18. Ppretended as if (1) I intereste in the conversation (2) but really "it was very boring (3)/ No error (4)
I intereste in the conversation (2)
Q19. The teacher remarked that (1) they all had (2)/ done it very badiy (3) No error (4)
No error (4)
Q20. The train is supposed (1)/ to arriver at 10 a-m yesterday (2) but it was an hour late (3)/ No error (4)
The train is supposed (1)
Q21. Rajan told me that you had left (1) the college a year before (2)and looking for job (3)/ No error (4)
and looking for job (3)
Q22. He asked me (1) /if l am ill and (2) I answered that I was not (3) / No error (4)
if l am ill and (2)
Q23. India's Independence (1)had been the result (2) of sacrifices of (3)many patriots (4) No error (5)
had been the result (2)
Q24. Yesterday Ramesh got (1) the information that his father (2) died in an accident (3)while travelling in a car (4) No error (5)
died in an accident (3)
Q25. He will certainly help you (1)/if you will ask him (2) in a ple asant manner (3) No error (4)
if you will ask him (2)How did you like this Best Tenses Exercise With Answers For All Exams, do tell us in the comment section. And join us on our Facebook page and on our Telegram group to test for better exercise.
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